Saturday, October 22, 2016

ADVANCED QR Code Subtraction Scavenger Hunt-Task Cards FREEBIE!

For a short time, this product is FREE! Please take a moment to download and leave feedback! My followers always get an email link to monthly (sometimes weekly) freebies!

This product includes ADVANCED QR Code Subtraction Task Cards that can be printed 1 per page and placed around the room as a “scavenger hunt” or printed 4 per page and used as task cards. These have been made to provide students with the opportunity to practice subtraction to 10,000 with 3 to 6 digit numbers! You will receive 24 individual cards with bright colored backgrounds as well as an answer key, black/white ink saver versions of each card and student recording sheet. Students get to check their work by scanning the QR code on each task card.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to provide feedback!
~The Organized Chaos of Instruction

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