Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Reading Response Menu and Activities

I've been out sick for two days now...pink eye (ugh!) and although I could be sitting in my favorite chair reading one of my newest Kindle downloads, I've been working. I've cleaned EVERY room upstairs (including the bathrooms, closet, and attic). I figure, why waste time when I can get some good ole' organizing done...okay, to be honest with you I was organizing all the many toys/manipulatives I can take to my new classroom :)
I packaged up TONS of give-aways and newest (old) school materials. I remember bringing it all home (books especially) and now they are eagerly awaiting the hands of my new students!
Not only did I organize my house (did I mention I've now started on the downstairs and my closet?!), but I've begun to organize all my school files as well! For the past 8 years, I've been creating materials for teachers and as I go through all these goodies, I figured I'd share a few. Now, I am not a worksheet teacher, but I do have quite a few of them that I use as visuals and/or to teach note-taking. These are always placed in our learning journals/student notebooks so that we can refer back to them at a later date.
As I was organizing my files, I came across a Reading Response Menu and Activities that I used in grades 3-5. Feel free to use it in your last few weeks of school to encourage reading and response :)
Use if you'd like!

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